Our approach

Let's get practical

We forget about cumbersome processes that don't add to our solutions' quality. We don't follow blindly the latest and greatest software development methodology, nor believe in silver bullets. We select the most adequate technical alternatives among the ones available in the market or the open source universe. We're conscious that in IT the most valuable resource along with knowledge, is time, and we don't waste it nor make you waste yours.

We like challenges

There's no way around it: doing always the same gets us bored. That's why we always run the extra mile - or some of them. We take pride in developing advanced solutions: high-performing architectures that keep up with surges of visits (and hacker attacks!) without breaking a sweat. Systems integrations, process optimization algorithms. And much more!

Keeping abreast without following the herd

IT is changing faster every day. What today is the latest trend, tomorrow can be history. That's why we cannot afford to bet on technologies that could become obsolete and unsupported in a short time. We constantly evaluate the newest products to tell what is just a fad from what has come to stay.


Our job is to solve problems. With an unrelenting passion for finding new ways to approach them. We know that a simple bright idea can save weeks or even months of development. We like to think out of the box and continously explore new solutions.

We're not competitive

Yes, you've read right that. If our offer is the same as our competitors', that's a telltale sign that we're not in the right place. Our proposals are always different and innovative.


We know that your company might have very varied needs. From specific improvements for an application that no one is longer maintaining, to a full-fledged deployment of a CRM or the setup of an online news site. We're certain that a one size fits all approach is not the best for any business, and that's why we put special effort in finding solutions tailored to your needs. Whether you're a small company in need of a promotional website or a corporation looking to subcontract parts of a huge development project, we have a proposal for you.

No surprises

Our projects are given with a fixed quote. Performing a detailed estimation beforehand is an extra effort that allows us to thoroughly evaluate the scope of each project and to advance firmly afterwards.

We love good causes

We know thoroughly the needs of NGOs and non-profits, and can propose simple, effective systems suited to your needs. From communicating with partners and members to donation management, we supply you with everything that IT can contribute to you mission.